Magenta Shades
Magenta Shade 1 | |
HSL | hsl(314.96, 99.99%, 97.66%) |
LCH | lch(97%, 100, 332) |
RGB | rgb(255, 243, 252) |
Magenta Shade 2 | |
HEX | #FFD7F6 |
HSL | hsl(313.78, 99.95%, 92.07%) |
LCH | lch(90%, 100, 332) |
RGB | rgb(255, 215, 246) |
Magenta Shade 3 | |
HEX | #F911E0 |
HSL | hsl(306.28, 94.77%, 52.17%) |
LCH | lch(58%, 100, 332) |
RGB | rgb(249, 17, 224) |
Magenta Shade 4 | |
HEX | #CA00B6 |
HSL | hsl(305.92, 99.95%, 39.66%) |
LCH | lch(47%, 100, 332) |
RGB | rgb(202, 0, 182) |
Magenta Shade 5 | |
HEX | #740068 |
HSL | hsl(306.21, 99.97%, 22.8%) |
LCH | lch(26%, 100, 332) |
RGB | rgb(116, 0, 104) |
Magenta Shade 6 | |
HEX | #44003C |
HSL | hsl(306.68, 99.94%, 13.33%) |
LCH | lch(13%, 100, 332) |
RGB | rgb(68, 0, 60) |
Complementary colors are pleasing, high-contrast pairs. They can be found by moving 180° around the color wheel.
Magenta's complementary color: emerald.
Split Complementary
Split-complementary colors can be found by splitting a color's complementary color into two, nearby analogous colors.
Magenta's split complementary pair: aquamarine and green
Triadic colors are sets of three, equidistance on the color wheel, spaced 120° apart.
Magenta's triadic pair: yellow and powder
Tetradic colors are two complementary color pairs, all equally spaced 90° on the color wheel.
Magenta's tetradic group: cinnamon, emerald, and cerulean
Analogous colors are sets of three contiguous colors. Reasonable Colors uses 15° steps on the color wheel to select analogous color triads.
Magenta's analogous triad: purple and pink.