
Indigo Shades

Indigo Shade 1
HSL hsl(241.96, 99.87%, 97.56%)
LCH lch(96%, 100, 287)
RGB rgb(243, 243, 255)
Indigo Shade 2
HSL hsl(240.84, 99.96%, 93.36%)
LCH lch(89%, 100, 287)
RGB rgb(222, 221, 255)
Indigo Shade 3
HSL hsl(230.37, 99.99%, 69.86%)
LCH lch(56%, 100, 287)
RGB rgb(101, 126, 255)
Indigo Shade 4
HEX #0061FC
HSL hsl(216.87, 99.99%, 49.48%)
LCH lch(45%, 100, 287)
RGB rgb(0, 97, 252)
Indigo Shade 5
HEX #00328A
HSL hsl(218.47, 99.95%, 27.11%)
LCH lch(23%, 100, 287)
RGB rgb(0, 50, 138)
Indigo Shade 6
HEX #001649
HSL hsl(221.61, 99.97%, 14.38%)
LCH lch(9%, 100, 287)
RGB rgb(0, 22, 73)


Complementary colors are pleasing, high-contrast pairs. They can be found by moving 180° around the color wheel.

Indigo's complementary color: lime.

Split Complementary

Split-complementary colors can be found by splitting a color's complementary color into two, nearby analogous colors.

Indigo's split complementary pair: chartreuse and yellow


Triadic colors are sets of three, equidistance on the color wheel, spaced 120° apart.

Indigo's triadic pair: orange and aquamarine


Tetradic colors are two complementary color pairs, all equally spaced 90° on the color wheel.

Indigo's tetradic group: raspberry, lime, and cyan


Analogous colors are sets of three contiguous colors. Reasonable Colors uses 15° steps on the color wheel to select analogous color triads.

Indigo's analogous triad: blue and violet.